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Caravan Blogs & Stories- Camec

  1. Where to Save Money on the Road

    Where to Save Money on the Road

    You’ve got your caravan. You’ve packed the car and you’re ready to take off.

  2. Keeping Kids Occupied (When the iPad is the Last Resort)

    Keeping Kids Occupied (When the iPad is the Last Resort)

    Caravanning can really push you to your limits.

  3. Is Your Water Safe? Here's How to Tell

    Is Your Water Safe? Here's How to Tell

    Water safety is one of the most important parts of caravanning.

  4. A Guide to Towing Your Caravan

    A Guide to Towing Your Caravan

    There’s a whole lot of knowledge out there but we’re breaking down the most common tips and tricks to make your towing safe.

  5. Camec Rv Media Bluetooth Speaker App Update

    Camec Rv Media Bluetooth Speaker App Update

    If you currently own a Camec RV Media Bluetooth Speaker (043269 Black or 043268 White) good news

  6. An Honest Review of the Theme Parks

    An Honest Review of the Theme Parks

    Memories of screaming kids, sunburnt shoulders and sticky hands from melted ice cream.

  7. A Guide to Rolling Flat Hoses and Storage Wheels

    A Guide to Rolling Flat Hoses and Storage Wheels

    Packing up is definitely the worst part of your camping trip

  8. 5 Hidden Gems at the Top End

    5 Hidden Gems at the Top End

    If there’s one thing you should know about the Top End is that it’s impossible not to be wonderstruck by it.

  9. Why you need to know your Water Weight when Towing a Caravan

    Why you need to know your Water Weight when Towing a Caravan

    Every caravan and towing vehicle has prescribed weight thresholds set by their manufacturers.

  10. Stop the Sway – Why You Need An Asymmetrical Sway Control System

    Stop the Sway – Why You Need An Asymmetrical Sway Control System

    If you’ve ever been driving along the highway when your caravan has started to sway from side to side, you’ll know that it can be a terrifying experience.

  11. 10 of the Best Caravan Accessories for Camping in 2021

    10 of the Best Caravan Accessories for Camping in 2021

    With overseas travel on pandemic pause, Australians are turning to caravan and camping holidays, many for the very first time.

  12. Get the most out of your campsite by Extending your Outdoor Area

    Get the most out of your campsite by Extending your Outdoor Area

    Do you love exploring all that our beautiful country has to offer but are starting to feel like your caravan is shrinking?

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