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Caravan Blogs & Stories- Camec

  1. A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 2: Choosing a Caravan or Camper

    A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 2: Choosing a Caravan or Camper

    If you’re yet to enter the wide world of caravanning, you may be wondering whether you need caravan or camper.

  2. A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 3: Choosing a Tow Vehicle

    A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 3: Choosing a Tow Vehicle

    Before you can head out onto the great open road, you need a vehicle that can take you there.

  3. Solar Set Up Guide

    Solar Set Up Guide

    If you ever want to go off the beaten track, or you want to reduce your reliance on electricity to cut costs while you’re on holidays, then you may be thinking about using green energy.

  4. How Paint Can Transform Your Caravan

    How Paint Can Transform Your Caravan

    If you’ve ever changed the colour of your home, you know what a huge difference a lick of paint can do.

  5. A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 5: Tyres for Caravans and Tow Vehicles

    A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 5: Tyres for Caravans and Tow Vehicles

    Tyres often get forgotten when it comes to our car and caravan’s safety features.

  6. A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 6: Towing Hardware and Accessories

    A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 6: Towing Hardware and Accessories

    Towing a caravan or camper isn’t as simple as revving your engine and driving off into the sunset.

  7. A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 4: Towing Courses and Training

    A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 4: Towing Courses and Training

    Towing your caravan can be a difficult task, even for the seasoned professional.

  8. Is Your Caravan Overweight?

    Is Your Caravan Overweight?

    Unlike asking a lady, finding out your vans weight isn’t just polite – it’s critical for its safe performance on the road.

  9. Save those $1 coins – Get your own caravan washing machine

    Save those $1 coins – Get your own caravan washing machine

    Whether you’re going away for a weekend or a year, you always seem to pack more clothes than necessary

  10. Which towing mirror is best for you?

    Which towing mirror is best for you?

    You may think you’re fine without a towing mirror – after all, you’ve been driving a car for years now, how much harder can it be with a van on the back

  11. Do You Free Camp? Why You Need A Grey Water Tank

    Do You Free Camp? Why You Need A Grey Water Tank

    We don’t blame you if you don’t want to think about it – in fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if it never crossed your mind – but grey water tanks are

  12. Featured Products for 2018

    Featured Products for 2018

    It’s no secret that here at Camec, we love the great outdoors. It’s our mission to help you get the most out of our beautiful country, which is why we’re

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