Stay Home

We hope that you and your families are staying safe during this pandemic we’re all experiencing. Its effects are being felt right across our nation, in businesses and in all our homes.

We also understand at a time like this there is a temptation to hook up the van and get out of the suburbs and head bush. It’s a temptation we feel ourselves!

But we need to heed the messages coming from our governments and our mates in the bush. NOW IS NOT THE TIME.

Camec Caravanning

From somebody who is in the caravan business, that might sound a little odd, but the Camec team feel we have a responsibility to listen to those messages and do the right thing by those communities we love to visit.

You see, health services in regional and outback Australia can only just cope with their own population. We don’t want to add to that problem by turning up and expecting to be looked after if we fall ill in their backyard.

In the meantime, the Camec team have come up with a bunch of ideas to use this down-time constructively with a little bit of “van and RV maintenance”.

We asked our people, all around Australia, for the best tips to make sure that when you get back on the road, both you, your family and your van will be ready to go. Caravanning!

A quick note from the team at Camec