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  1. A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 7: Safety Aids and Accessories for Modern Towing

    A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 7: Safety Aids and Accessories for Modern Towing

    We all want to do everything we can to ensure we reach our destination safely and successfully.

  2. A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 6: Towing Hardware and Accessories

    A Guide to Modern Towing Ep. 6: Towing Hardware and Accessories

    Towing a caravan or camper isn’t as simple as revving your engine and driving off into the sunset.

  3. Keyless Entry – The Easy Way In!

    Keyless Entry – The Easy Way In!

    The automotive industry adopted keyless entry technology a long time ago

  4. Roll Flat Hoses & Storage Reels for Caravans & Campers

    Roll Flat Hoses & Storage Reels for Caravans & Campers

    While on the road do you become frustrated with the way water and sullage hoses work?

  5. Installing your Keyless Entry Lock

    Installing your Keyless Entry Lock

    To fit your Camec Keyless Entry lock you first need remove the standard mechanical lock from your Camec door.

  6. Camec One Key System Installation

    Camec One Key System Installation

    The One Key System is very easy to install onto your current caravan

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